Friday, August 22, 2008

August is Back Again!

Well, it was really too good to be true. We now have our typical August weather back, hot and humid. When I went out this morning to get the paper it hit me in the face, 85% humidity with a high temp forecast of ner 90.

I got my first paycheck from the bookstore yesterday! It is already spent, I have a dental appointment this morning to begin the procedure to replace a removable bridge that no longer fits because of the extractions I had done in July. Even with dental insurance, my share will be huge so this extra money comes at a perfect time.

Sales at the store have picked up this month--thankfully. July was really dismal and I was afraid that we were getting into a new pattern, a bad one. But August sales are already near normal levels and the month isn't over yet.

I am busy now getting ready for Advent and Christmas. Retailers really have to think out of the box if they are ready. Since I am in competition with the big stores that already have Christmas items out, I have to put things out earlier than I would like.

After the dentist I will take my aunt to the grocery store, via my workout at the gym. That makes a busy "day off" but then my Saturday is free for what I really want to do, which at this point is very little.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Miscellaneous Musings

We continue to have much rain and cool weather here in Arkansas, most unusual for August. There are some of us that are hoping that we don't get the rest of August in September, but that doesn't stop my enjoying waking up in the morning to the sound of rain. No thunder, no wind, no hail, just soft gentle rain. They do have a flash flood watch on until sometime this afternoon because the ground is beginning to get a little soaked.

I noticed that the great ditch across my front yard has sunken in places, which means I will have to get someone to bring in some dirt and fill it in a little. I may be able to move enough dirt around to take care of the problem. I have transplanted some clumps of Bermuda grass onto the bare dirt from various places in the yard hoping it will cover it. If not, I guess I'll have to sow a little rye grass to keep it from washing away this winter.

The Vestry met Monday night and I have now moved, in the words of our Vicar, from being "unpaid" to being "underpaid." Since I was the one who set the salary, I don't feel particularly underpaid, it is what the Bookstore can support. It is interesting, tho, how now being paid for doing the job changes the dynamic. Before this happened I had a comfortable bank balance and could order anything I thought would be nice for the store. I now have a budget and I have to watch the bottom line pretty closely. It does make me more conscious of what I buy. So far most of my purchases have sold, if not rapidly, at least eventually. I just put in a big order for books for Advent and Christmas and I still have to get some Christmas cards.

I continue to look for a sister for Bella, she hates being home alone. When I come in after work, she is usually lying against the front door waiting for me, particularly if I am later than usual.

The breeder I got her from doesn't have another female right now but expects to have at least one new litter later this year and has said I can have the pick. So maybe I'll give Bella a Christmas present!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

I woke up this morning to the sound of gentle rain falling. Only someone who has lived through an Arkansas summer can understand how unusual that is for August. Yes, we get rain in July and August, sometimes, but usually with lightening or hail or wind or all of them together. This is just rain. It rained yesterday the same way and was cloudy and cool all day long. The farmers are ecstatic. With the cost of diesel fuel, having to irrigate was eating up any profit they might expect to make and irrigation is never as good for the crops as real rain that washes over the whole plant.

It is predicted that this state of affairs will continue through today and into tomorrow. The high temps in the 80s instead of the 90s and 100s we have been having feels like fall is already here. Of course, people who don't believe in global warming think this is proof. Those of us who think there is probably something to believe about all the scientific hype and who have read up on the subject, realize that global warming causes climate change-- up and down. Somthing to think about while enjoying this cool break. Because it will get hot again.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hermione, Where are you when I need you?

I broke my glasses on Friday. I tried the "oculus repairus" spell several times, but either I am not saying it right or I am not holding my wand at the correct angle, because they are still broken. My own personal Hermione, Sharon the optician, is on vacation until Wednesday so I am wearing glasses with the temple piece taped to the frame.