I closed the books for the Bookstore in the black, not much but enough to guarantee we continue for at least another year. We are a non-profit but you do have to have operating funds.
Fred is settling in well
and Bella has found a new place to nap:
Since I am going to need that mail tray in a couple of days I hope she gets tired of it!
Look at Fred's big foot! Cute kitties. Great job at the store. We'll have to come see it next time we're in town.
Been thinking about you all. Wish I could have been there for the funeral. I know what you mean about the sadness of NeNe's death coming back. I love you and miss you!
I'm glad you told Mackie she is not allowed to die in December. In fact, I have decided that no one is allowed to die in 2009. No one!
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